Thursday, January 08, 2015
About Me
- Name: Bill Chalker
- Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Coordinator of the Sydney based UFO Investigation Centre (UFOIC) & the Anomaly Physical Evidence Group (APEG). Information about sightings and research are most welcome. Author of "The OZ Files - the Australian UFO Story" (1996), "Hair of the Alien - DNA and other forensic evidence of alien abduction" (2005), and "UFO History Keys - Examining the UFO controversy from a historical perspective" (2011). Enquiries via or P.O. Box 42, West Pennant Hills, NSW, 2125, AUSTRALIA. In "HAIR of the ALIEN" (order via my primary focus is promoting a forensic scientific approach to examining the alien abduction controversy, concentrating on the DNA approach where compelling biological evidence is available.
Previous Posts
- In the Australian magazine UFOlogist - my "Science...
- On the "parapsychological connection" - While the ...
- Lets get it done - an Encyclopedia of Australian ...
- UFOs, Alien Abductions & contact: the Parapsycholo...
- The New South Wales spotlight on UFOs
- Did a "Lightship" "airship" help create an alien a...
- Visions of "the Humanoids of OZ"
- Instrumented UAP UFO Field Studies now & then
- The proceedings of the CAIPAN July 2014 Paris work...
- The famous 1953 Drury film story
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