June Marsden: "Alien Sirens came calling"
When examining a deep mystery over a long period of time, occasionally one notes something odd, something that seems puzzling, that might incongruously stick out. It might start as a small strange thread, which upon a little tug, begins to wildly unravel. You might wish you could put it back, but once unravelled, “the can of worms” beckons. You want to know, what was all that about? Sometimes, you wish you didn’t. This is one of those moments – explore or not? Lessons aplenty, cautionary tales await. Read on.
The State Library of NSW (New South Wales, Australia) recently gave recognition to a strange celebrity traveller of esoteric pathways. June Marsden, aka Erica (or Edna Grace) Ingram- Moore, ‘the White-Haired Pimpernel’, astrologer and cosmic society hostess, was indirectly responsible for a story that has long haunted me. No, it was not about “June Marsden” or her strange beliefs and obsessions - that was what I will describe here as deep background – one hell of footnote.
Instead, it was about her apparent annotation on a copy of a strange document that would ultimately led me into an extraordinary historical odyssey. Without it, I doubt I ever would have heard of June Marsden, let alone, when I did, go to trouble of undertaking a deep background dive into her odd story. At best, a short profile that appeared in an early UFOIC publication would have been the sum of my knowledge about June Marsden. While sometimes, it might not be an enriching story, what follows reveals at lot about the fringes and eccentricities of early Australian ufology.
June Marsden, famous astrologer of Sydney, Australia, 1937
I had not seen it before. Fred was unsure of its origin, but had found the “copy” while he was organising papers for tax purposes for June Marsden, an acquaintance and local astrologer. On the copy was a hand written annotation - “Who sent this to me? Inside a New Zealand Trade Magazine, Dec -1958.” This was apparently written by June Marsden at the time she found it.
Much later, it would become clear to me who would have sent the curious document to her – Tasman V. Homan. They both shared an interest in one of the stranger aspects of the UFO controversy – the claims of George King, who form a UFO religion – the Aetherius Society.
Little wonder her involvement in the document’s journey to me was just a very curious footnote, in the much more important saga, for me at least – the 19thcentury memorandum book of Parramatta surveyor Frederick William Birmingham – “A machine to go through the air”. I have revealed part of that story in my columns – see for example issues 5 (2014) & 31 (2018) of UFO Truth and the January-February 2016 of the Ufologist. If you search for Birmingham in my main blog http://theozfiles.blogspot.com you will get an idea why the story has occupied my mind for a long time.
What follows is not about that remarkable historical mystery that centred in 1868 and Parramatta. Instead, this is a curious footnote’s “deep background” story – part of process that originally drew me into the main mystery back around 1975. That “footnote” began to draw me in, particularly since “June Marsden” got noticed by our state library. Their take on her “flying saucer” connections was limited. What follows is more detailed, complex and bizarre.
I will leave it to you, dear reader, to take from this what you will. After all, it is the eye of the beholder, or perhaps more appropriately, the mind of those that process the detail, that will draw conclusions, maybe shaped by one’s own life experiences.
For me, much of the story revolves around what can happen if one uncritically embraces beliefs that abound in the flying saucer realm. Belief unbound in the garden of what may seem to be strange cosmic delights, here clearly takes us a long way away from the much more certain aspects of the UFO story – a cautionary tale, perhaps? Given the eccentricities of UFO belief, I see it as a very timely lesson, one that should be considered relevant right now. However, I fear, the lessons will be lost on those that it should matter most to. Think about it.
Margot Riley, Curator, Research & Discovery, for the state Library of NSW, wrote back on July 22, 2020, about an interesting piece of Sydney’s historical past. Entitled “June Marsden: celebrity astrologer and ufologist” the piece gave a snapshot of quite a colourful lady. In an interview on an ABC radio “Focus” programme on August 6, 2020, with host Cassie McCullagh, the state library curator fleshed out the lady’s story in a bit more detail: https://www.abc.net.au/radio/sydney/programs/focus/celebrity-astrologer-june-marsden/12539692
I had also written about June Marsden, but more about that below.
Here is the text of Margot Riley’s charming piece, in case it disappears. I sighted it at:
“Not long before the Covid-19 shutdown, a 1937 publicity photo of astrologer and radio broadcaster June Marsden came into the Library’s collection.
“Perhaps Australia’s first celebrity astrologer, ‘June Marsden’ was the pseudonym of Sydney socialite Mrs Erica Ingram-Moore who, in later life, would also be associated with Australian ‘ufology’ (the study of UFOs).”
Curator Margot Riley’s profile continues:
“While the woman herself has long since slipped from public memory, astrology and psychic pursuits hold an interesting place in Australian media history.
“In times of uncertainty people often go in search of answers from unconventional sources. The interwar period saw a huge upswing of public interest in alternative forms of spiritualism and pseudo-scientific explanations for global and everyday events. These new ideologies found an outlet in popular culture via newspapers, magazines and the radio.
“The birth of Princess Margaret Rose in August 1930 — almost a year after the Wall Street crash — was a chance for Britain’s popular press to print a ‘good news story’. Looking for a new angle, the editor of the Sunday Express commissioned a horoscope to predict the baby princess’s future.
“The idea was copied by newspapers around the globe, triggering requests for further forecasts, and the modern horoscope column was born. By the end of the 1930s reading your ‘stars’ had become a way of life.
“On 16 November 1935, the Australian Women’s Weekly launched its first ‘Written in the Stars’ column. Authored by June Marsden and produced ‘in response to repeated appeals from readers’, it ran until 1949. Marsden was already well known to the Australian public through her popular horoscope broadcasts and ‘bestselling’ book, Follow Your Stars to Success, which included astrological charts for the southern hemisphere.
“Heralding its ‘attractive new astrology feature’ under the enticing headline ‘How to Chart Your Life Course’, the Weekly declared that ‘none is better qualified than Miss Marsden to undertake this task’. Readers were advised that, ‘Astrology is almost as old as the stars themselves, but its interpretation in the light of modern developments and conditions rests with a gifted few.’
Born Edna Grace Goode in the Sydney suburb of Glebe in 1896, Marsden had studied the ‘last developments of astrology’ in the United States, where her First World War veteran husband Eric Ingram-Moore worked in radio construction.
“Marsden’s reputation in the North American radio and newspaper world had preceded the couple’s return to Sydney in 1932, where her ‘amazing horoscopes’ and ‘remarkable anecdotes about important places and famous people ... gleaned through her astrological career’ soon found an enthusiastic local following.
“The couple were also members of the Australian Theosophical movement, which was at its height during the interwar years in Sydney. The movement provided platforms for discussing astrology in print and through its own radio station, 2GB.
“But despite astrology’s growing professionalisation and popularity in Australia during the 1930s, there were many sceptics. When asked for clarification about her predictions, Marsden stated that ‘the average life is as complex as a many-colored tartan because of the varied planetary influences which happen to be in operation at the time of the individual’s birth’. She went on to define astrology as ‘the science of starry-vibrations and the sub-conscious response to those vibrations by human beings’.
“From 1936 Marsden’s presidency of the Astrological Research Society of Australia affirmed her as the country’s foremost astrologer. By April 1937, she was reporting in the Sunday Telegraph that leading American businesses had astrologers on staff and wouldn’t attempt any venture ‘unless the stars are propitious’. The Weekly began printing a disclaimer against the statements contained in Marsden’s column, which was ‘presented as a matter of interest only’.
“Marsden was widowed in 1940, and her Weekly column came to an end in 1949, after which she travelled overseas. Spending 1949–50 in the troubled European city of Trieste, she helped save 700 Australian–Yugoslavs caught on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain, operating with the local underground under the code name of ‘The White-Haired Pimpernel’. Back in Australia by 1951, she reported the dangerous political situation in Cold War Europe through her eyewitness accounts.
“A final chapter in June Marsden’s extraordinary public life is linked to the Australian visit in February 1959 of controversial American ufologist George Adamski, who had documented his sensational encounters with a man from Venus in the Californian desert in his book Flying Saucers Have Landed (1953). Marsden had met Adamski in the US in 1957 and offered to host him during his Sydney stay.
“Marsden claimed to have seen unidentified flying objects herself three times — twice near her home at Palm Beach, on Sydney’s northern beaches, and once in America. ‘The first time was in February 1951. It was huge,’ she told the Daily Mirror, ‘about the size of a battleship and going through the air at a terrific rate. It was travelling horizontally to the ocean and in a straight line between Sydney & Newcastle and it would have covered the distance — about 30 miles — in about eight seconds.’
“UFOs had been a matter of public interest in Australia since 1947, when witnesses began to declare their sightings and experiences openly, forming scientifically focused voluntary associations to record and investigate sightings. Adamski’s visit was a big event on the local saucer scene, although the spectre of unscientific contactees — like June Marsden — was seen to put ‘serious’ research efforts at risk.
“Marsden’s linking of astrology and ufology was seen as problematic. According to her, ‘Nearly all the people who see flying saucers are born under the sign of Aries, Taurus, Libra or Scorpio and are under the influence of either Mars or Venus.’
“Adamski later wrote that his hostess was ‘an astrologer ... endeavouring to associate astrology with the space people and their craft. I explained to her that no connection existed between the two, but she refused to accept the logical facts.’”
So in the NSW State Library profile we have a curious and interesting piece of social history. But, lets go deeper. Recollect, at the beginning of this piece, I mentioned June Marsden was already someone I had written about. On March 6, 2007 I published on my “UFO Investigation Centre Australia” blog the following story: “UFOIC and the 1959 Adamski visit.”
This episode was the controversial visit to Australia in 1959 of notorious American contactee George Adamski. One of the earliest UFOIC members, Judith Croser, who also became a friend, provided me with a revealing diary entry which records that Dr. Greenwell resigned from the UFOIC presidency on the same day as the George Adamski public meeting at Adyar Hall Sydney on Friday 27 February 1959, apparently "because of all (the) trouble". It also indicated that there was much trouble with the arrival of June Marsden who "hosted" George Adamski's visit to Sydney. The diary records that Adamski and Marsden "were fighting like mad".
What was that all about? The following information explains what happened. Judith Croser’s diary entry led me to re-examine the UFOIC UFO Bulletins and other sources to clarify this provocative entry. Dr. Greenwell's resignation was announced in the April 1959 issue "for personal reasons." Miran Lindtner became president in late February 1959.
June Marsden was "profiled" in the Jan 1959 issue of the UFOIC UFO Bulletin:
Unstated in the piece was that June Marsden held the position that astrology had a significant connection with UFOs. June was by 1959 a noted socialite, her real name Mrs. Erica Ingram-Moore. She was also a prolific writer, particularly in the field of astrology. Her book "Follow Your Stars to success" was published in the US in 1956. It was originally published in Sydney, twenty years earlier, in November 1936.
In the wave of Adamski publicity, June Marsden was featured in a Daily Mirror article Feb 19 1959 which described her odd ideas about astrology and flying saucers:
The piece indicated that “Miss June Marsden, who returned eight weeks ago from America after more than three years absence,” had met Adamski during her stay. I also have a letter dated Nov 13 1957 from Adamski to June Marsden which was pretty cordial, confirming she had visited Adamski in California. This no doubt led to her being his hostess when he came to Sydney. But, that wasn’t to last long.
The Daily Mirror piece revealed: “Miss Marsden is extremely interested in flying saucers and their connection with astrology.” “Nearly all the people who see flying saucers are born under the signs of Aries, Taurus, Libra or Scorpio and are under the influence of either Mars or Venus,” the article indicated. The reason, she contended, was that “the flying saucers – or unidentified flying objects – originate from the planets Venus and Mars and therefore there is a sympathetic vibration between the people born under their influence and the beings in the saucers.” “You never hear people suggesting that the saucers could come from Neptune, Uranus or Pluto,” she said. June Marsden said, “I come under the influence of Mars.” She claimed she had seen UFOs 3 times – twice from her home in Palm Beach and one in America.
“The first time was in February, 1951. It was huge, about the size of a battleship and was going through the air at a terrific rate. It was travelling horizontally to the ocean and in a straight line between Sydney and Newcastle and it would have covered the distance – about 50 miles – in about eight seconds. That would mean it was travelling at more than 20,000 miles an hour. At that time, it seemed impossible, but now the Russians are claiming they have a satellite travelling at that rate.” She added that “reliable people believe they have been in telepathic communication with the drivers of these craft.”
Journalist Ray Castle, in his 25 February 1959 column in the Daily Telegraph newspaper, chimed in the fun, highlighting that George Adamski was presented with a basket of lowers from “The Northern Suburbs Flying Saucer Research Association, and quoted an unnamed June Marsden, “I might tell you, that some of those Northern Suburbs members have seen flying saucers.” That’s something my own research can expand on. David Osborne Moore (a participant in the Edgar Jarrold’s Australian Flying Saucer Bureau and the early UFOIC) formed the group called the Northern Suburbs Flying Saucer Research Association. It rose to some prominence with the 1959 visit of George Adamski, the controversial contactee figure, then slipped into obscurity. By June 1962 David Moore would claim he had seen 26 separate UFO sightings mainly from his Manly home since 1955. One afternoon in 1955, after having watched fruitlessly for UFOs for 11 years he claimed (1944?), David Moore and his wife saw three within a few hours. David Moore often reported his sightings to the RAAF. On one RAAF file Sgt. Cusick of the RAAF Provost Service, Field Security Section, Sydney (March 1958) wrote, "Mounted in the backyard of his residence (North Manly) was a 7" telescope with which (Mr. Moore) claimed he and fellow members of the UFO (?) kept watch on selected nights. Also in his possession were numerous publications and charts containing information regarding UFO sightings. The services of this group were offered to the RAAF by Mr. Moore, who stated that they would keep watch on a "hush hush" basis." Not surprisingly, nothing seemed to come of this offer. Mr. Moore passed away in 1975.
Stan Seers gave an unflattering picture of the Sydney Adamski tour in his book "UFOs - the case for scientific Myopia" (1983). Stan was the Queensland Flying Saucer Bureau president at the time of the Adamski visit and he was in Sydney during the period. He also made some unflattering comments about "a well known Sydney socialite", clearly June Marsden (but unstated in his book). Adamski himself, in his book "Flying Saucers Farewell" (aka "Behind the FS mystery"), refers to his hostess "an astrologer. She was endeavouring to associate astrology with the space people and their craft. I explained to her that no connection existed between the two, but she refused to accept the logical facts. Like many people, she had closed her mind to any ideas which differed from her preconceived notions." Adamski's book also describes problems in Sydney such as no "work permit" or the lack of UFOIC sponsoring, and an alleged run-in with "the censor's office" about the "saucer" films he was showing. UFOIC was touchy about the issue of sponsoring Adamski, wanting to distance themselves. It seems that these issues came to a head at meetings in Adyar Hall and the Metropole on 27 February 1959.
It seems clear that UFOIC was struggling to ensure it was seen as a credible organisation. Adamski's visit to Sydney in 1959, and the lightning rod it provided for all manner of bizarre takes on the flying saucer controversy, was putting all those efforts at risk. Dr. Greenwell's resignation from the UFOIC presidency was one apparent result. However, Dr. Miran Lindtner took up the UFOIC presidency and his long energetic leadership facilitated a strong UFOIC group.
The State Library of NSW researcher, Margot Riley (Curator, Research & Discovery), suggested in her 2020 June Marsden piece that the 1959 Adamski/flying saucer astrology story was “a final chapter in June Marsden’s extraordinary public life.” It wasn’t. There were far stranger waters to travel for June Marsden.
Within a year of the Adamski controversy, George King of the Aetherius Society beckoned. I reached out to the local chapter of the religion in Brisbane to confirm my research.
I wrote: “I am hoping you may be able to assist me with detailed background on the attached annotated photo. It was taken at Mascot airport Sydney on November 10, 1960, on the arrival and airport interviewing of George King. I would like to use this photo in a profile piece I am doing on June Marsden. I believe the lady I have highlighted is June Marsden, who also was apparently known as “the white pimpernel” or “the white-haired pimpernel” (and appears to be wearing one?) for her activities in apparently helping some 700 Australian-Yugoslavs "caught on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain” during 1949-50. Cosmic Voice Volume 6 records that “Miss June Marsden, the world famous astrologer … made it possible for George King to appear so many times in the press, radio and television whilst in Australia.”
“I know that Tas Homan coordinated the preparation of a document (probably during the 1950s) entitled “Copy from the Memorandum Book of Fred Wm. Birmingham, the Engineer to the Council of Parramatta. A machine to go through the air. A.D. 1873.” I know that June Marsden sighted this document, possibly around December, 1958. I was wondering, given Tas Homan’s Interest and support of the Aetherius Society, whether he shared this document with the society and if any members have knowledge of it?
“Any information you may be able to share I would be most grateful.”
The Aetherius Society Brisbane helpfully replied:
“Dear Bill,
“Please accept this tardy apology in reply to George King’s visit to Australia in late 1960.
“Xmas & what followed seemed to interfere with our normal protocols, so no excuse really!
“Regards the photograph: Your identification of June Marsden, George King & Tas Homan all seem accurate both visually & compounded with a Pendulum Dowse.
“My late father in law Rudy Lehmann who was organiser of The Sydney Group for many years did know both June Marsden & Tas Homan, the latter introducing The Society’s Teachings to this part of the world in the late 50’s /early 60’s
“Rudy was a accomplished astrologer himself & spent 60 odd years of his long life (passed at 104) using this science to help guide himself & many others through the matrix of life’s journey
“He, Rudy spoke often of June Marsden & her help in facilitating Press activity for George King’s Australian visit to The Holy Mountains here.
“Other than that I can’t elaborate further & hope the above information is of some assistance.
“Kind regards & the very best for 2021
“Rod & Megan (Middleton).”
I thanked them for this unusual and fascinating confirmation of my photographic detective work.
Still stranger attractions drew June Marsden’s attention. One was revealed in an undated or attributed newspaper clipping I found in the files of Harry Turner, retired Joint Intelligence Bureau head of their nuclear intelligence section. Harry Turner allowed me to copy some of his UFO files. The article entitled “The 8.15 Saucer Was Right On Time” most likely from 1961, was written by Phil Bodeker, who in the 1960s worked for the Perth Daily News. Apart from standard local journalism, Phil was known for his fishing interest, but this story was about very strange “fish” indeed.
Phil Bodeker’s main source was June Marsden. She was in Perth attending a flying saucer meeting in Leederville. June attended as President of what she referred to as ‘The South Pacific Skywatch Association” as part of “a lecture tour.” Claiming she had by then seen “38 flying flying saucers in many different countries” June revealed “the visit was more deliberate than any she had seen before.” She indicated, “These sightings seem always to occur when there is some activity, a meeting or something, among flying saucer groups on Earth.”
The article indicated, “Seven people standing in Tower St., Leederville, last night watched a flying saucer go overhead – by appointment. The seven are members of different flying saucer associations, attending a meeting in Perth. By “mental telepathy” appointment, the seven members filed out of the meeting at 8.15 and gazed skywards.
“Then we saw it,” June Marsden told the journalist, “A great, elongated, yellow disc, the shape of a big watermelon, moving leisurely and quite deliberately across the sky.” She indicated “all seven witnesses were prepared to swear that they had seen the object.”
The meeting took place at the premises of Leederville printer Cyril Jones. He told the reporter, “I was just sitting at home yesterday morning when the message came – quite easily. The message said: “Be on the lookout between 8.15 and 8.30 p.m. – coming from the south-west.” Responding to questions from the journalist, Cyril Jones indicated, “It was very hard to define. It’s not like a voice, and I’m hardly aware of it. I didn’t tune in. I didn’t even ask a question. But if you’ll just pause for a second and keep silence, I may be able to find out.” After some silence, Jones stated, “I feel it was from a ship from Venus. I got the message just then. Time and space means nothing to these people. If I could bring them done to shake hands with you, I would be glad to do so. They are always on a peaceable mission.”
Miss Marsden added, “we were all so excited, we nearly missed it. Suddenly a South Australian delegate yelled: “There it is.” “It came out of a hole in the clouds and moved across clear sky with the stars behind it. It went across a clear patch and disappeared into clouds after being visible for about six seconds. I believe it was a mother ship – one that has little ones aboard.” She suggested the object was flying about 5000 feet, looking like “a yellow watermelon with furry edges,” adding “in perspective” (perhaps she meant relative size?) (it was) “about 18 inches long and 8 inches deep.” She also indicated she would report the sighting to the RAAF – the Royal Australian Air Force.
RAAF Unusual Aerial Sightings summaries from 1960 through to early 1967, do not show Western Australian sighting that would fit the description. Did the event actually get a serious investigation to determine if what was seen was unexplained?
The National Archives of Australia (NAA) lists a number of book title registrations linked to June Marsden. Most are astrology titles from 1935 to 1946, and 2 in 1959 (“Strange Happenings” and “Who can explain it”), but in 1962-63 there is a listing for the title “New Age Prophecies Aquarian Researchers.” The applicants: June Marsden & Eric Yul Verner.
Yul Verner (aka Erik Werner Svensson?) - The name Yul Verner” certainly rang a bell. He was the author of a obscure flying saucer book “The Book of Yul – The Secret Life of a Space Incarnate” by Yul Verner published1977 by Vantage Press – a “vanity” publication press based in New York. The book in acknowledgement indicates, “I would like to express my appreciation to Young Mike for his cooperation during the years 1963-1966.” The author notes “since this book is based on my personal experiences all names of persons mentioned in it are changed.”
Hakan Blomqvist blog briefly mentions “Yul Verner” in the context of failed prophecy, as mixing bible prophecies with messages from “his space friends.” Hakan quotes a letter from Verner to Edith Nicolaisen, a Swedish UFO and New Age Book publisher dated 26 August 1973: “… I was contacted directly in 1963 by spacemen from the Andromeda constellation. It was from them that I positively learned that Jupiter was the Sun of Justice to be glorified `in a short time´, which I take to mean in 12 years, that is from May 1963 + 12 = May 1975. By that time the Earth ought to feel the impact of this event. There could be some astronomical reports beforehand, although we may have other matters on our minds then for the prophesied Great Tribulation is to take place just ahead. This means that time is at hand for a great world crisis to burst suddenly upon us. As a matter of fact, I have reason to believe there will be an event this November warning us about it. The contact with my space friends also made me certain that I was an incarnate from their planet MICHAEL of the Andromeda constellation. I had prior to this contact made journeys in spirit to other worlds.”
I had “The Book of Yul” in my library. I didn’t think much of it at the time I acquired it, but probably only got it as a “contactee” reference work, as it had the promo, all in caps: “IN AUGUST 1961 A SPACE EXPEDITION FROM THE PLANET MYKAL LANDED IN THE BLUE MOUNTAINS WEST OF SYDNEY IN AUSTRALIA. WHAT WAS ITS MISSION?” It still does not impress me much (as it seemed so much like quaint “space opera” and poor “science fiction”), but a closer reading was undertaken, after I noticed the apparent connection with June Marsden. Notice: “MICHAEL” in the letter above, and “MYKAL” in his book?
Yul Verner indicated that “Five people in Sydney were subsequently contacted”. The first being “Joan D’Arcy.”. Its clear from the description given that this is June Marsden” (pages 57 & 59): “Joan” “who had been invited to attend the U.F.O Convention in Perth (in 1961 – where the alleged psychic mediated witnessing of a possible UFO apparently took place). She had just returned from the United States, where she had met all the important people in the flying saucer and psychic fields. She was also interested in prophecy and the New Age, and was in fact a quite well known astrologer and fan of Nostradamus… Since Sydney was where Joan lived and had most influence, we set up our base there, and for this cause, I left Adelaide for Sydney in early 1962.” He adds, “It was much later that I learned about Joan’s record in her dealings with people. She had been a public figure, and had been smitten by not a little bit of limelight fever. God save anyone who dared as much as much as cast a fleeting shadow on her glorious image. To be fair, she did a lot of good works too. People were literally magnetised into better health and brighter outlooks by her cheerful appearance on stage. Many migrants knew her as a daring and resourceful lady. She had led a personal rescue mission in the border areas of the communist countries in Europe after World War II. The Pope had been so impressed by her courage that he granted her special audience in the Vatican.”
‘Further Verner writes, “Joan was, moreover, respected in certain circles of the Australian Government, because of the excellent pioneering work in radio and electronics by her late husband, who had been an air ace and war hero in the First World War.” Most of these facts equate with “June Marsden.” Her husband Eric Ingram-Moore died 11thMay 1940. While her real name was Edna Grace Ingram-Moore (nee Goode) she had adopted the first name Erica – adopted out of memory of Eric, her late husband perhaps. While I’m not sure of this, I wondered about the possible name I had for Yul Verner – Eric Werner?
Things becomes clearer, when Verner identifies their mutual venture as “the Aquarian Pioneers.” Recollect the 1962-63 registration of “New Age Prophecies Aquarian Researchers.”
They started to form a “communication Nucleus of Five,” beginning with “Young Mike”, apparently a younger reporter who had covered Joan (June)’s “ghost programmes” she had been making a couple of years before. The next person considered, Verner identifies as Joan’s (June’s) “old friend Tall Thomas, the customs officer … (who) has read every worthwhile book on the occult and flying saucers. Trouble is, he is so damned sceptical.” (page 63) “Olivia” – “a sensitive”, who had been attending meetings of “another occult group” made up “the Nucleus of Five.”
“Old friend Tall Thomas” was clearly my “old friend”, the tall honorary president of the new UFOIC of the 1970s, and president of UFOIC, upon the tragic death of long time UFOIC president Dr. Miran Lindtner in 1969 – Fred Phillips – in whose wonderful library I first heard the name of June Marsden back around 1975. It was through Fred (Tall Thomas) that Yul & June’s contact “Nucleus” began to crack. (page 74) He objected to disclosing the “MIKAL” “communications, he did not want to be the “contact” “circle leader”, and was unhappy about “Joan” (June) and Yul playing “space music.” Verner writes (page 74), “Worst of all, Joan had made some acid comments about the activities of the local U.F.O. group, and this clearly displeased and embarrassed Thomas a great deal.” In reality, Fred Phillips was Vice president of the group concerned – the UFOIC group of the 1960s.
The rifts that apparently June Marsden had contributed to with the the Adamski visit of 1959 and the activities of the contact group contributed to the fracturing of the “Nucleus of Five.” I’ll not burden you with the outcomes of Yul Verner’s story of incarnated space brothers (and sisters), beyond the inevitable break with “Joan” (June Marsden).
According to Verner, June had “reverted to her fascination for spiritual contacts after meeting a medium in England (perhaps Ena Twigg? – B.C). This medium completely satisfied Joan’s (June’s) desire for greatness, even though to any sane person the stories she was now getting were pure fantasy. When Joan (June) returned from England in 1966, it was with dismay that I watched her go on radio and TV and claim space trips in odd looking spacecraft, which had no likeness to those of the MYKAL expedition.” According to Verner, Joan (June) turns on him, “even making out (Verner) had joined the Dark Forces, because (he) had been inspired to find a vital prophecy for our times …”
We don’t have to rely on Yul Verner’s take on this. The final curtain on June Marsden’s cosmic stardom was writ large in a cynical and comical profile article by the iconic journalist Ron Saw. By the mid 1960s Saw was recognised as a “celebrated and controversial columnist” and “perhaps the best-known humorous writer in Australia” (“Ron Saw” by Pauline Curby). Most of his pieces in his “Daily Mirror” column “Sydney” were light hearted. His profile of June Marsden, acquired over the phone, was no exception, delivered with a satirical bite. It appeared in the Daily Mirror, 28thJanuary, 1966.
Ron characterised June Marsden as “probably the nation’s foremost saucer-fancier, yet she will stand no nonsense.” He added, “She was once Australia’s and possibly the world’s best-known Scientific Astrologer. But for the last five years she been a sort of high hostess for extra-terrestrial visitors; and it is a dull day on which she has no contact with the crew of some saucer or other.”
Talk of UFOs and flying saucers was at that point big news across the nation, with the reports of “the flying saucer nests” and a daylight sighting of one landing at Tully in far north Queensland. Indeed, it was an extraordinary event, but you wouldn’t have gotten that from Saw’s piece on June Marsden. It was all about June Marsden and her beliefs, allegedly in her own words. Saw wrote, “she is difficult to question. At the first hint of facetiousness she clams up; and when I called her she was cordial but wary.” If that was really the case, it seems a wonder that Saw got the interview he quotes. It was either the testament of a “true believer” who was really familiar and comfortable with being way, way “out there”, or it was a skilful ambush peace delivered in a flood of apparent quotes.
About Tully, Ron Saw quotes June Marsden: “The people at Tully reported most of the facts accurately. The flying saucer type is about nine feet high and it does rotate at terrific speed. I was in one myself only a few months ago.” There was no retreat from that and Saw was on-board for the story ride. Asking where it took her, June Marsden replied, “Over Rhodesia and Vietnam. It was a fore-runner of a great fleet which left the planet Michael (at the head of Andromeda) on January 6. The fleet was of 526 flying saucers under the command of a great lord of space, Commander Michael.” As it was a phone interview, Saw was picking it all up as Michael of the Planet Michael, but June Marsden was probably referring to Mykal. It wouldn’t have mattered to the reporter.
No wonder there was bad blood between Marsden and the group UFOIC. UFOIC was trying to navigate a scientific approach under CSIRO scientist Dr. Miran Lindtner. Physical evidence had been reported in Tully in the form the circular impressions of an extraordinary kind with linked daylight close encounters. But here, in this interview, even if she truly believed everything she was being quoted as saying, she was by default empowering the toxic fog of ridicule.
June Marsden went on to reveal that the glowing human like Commander Michael’s fleet was here to help us, but it is difficult for them to directly intervene as their vibrational state could be dangerous to humans. She reports that seven of the fleet, including Commander “Michael” are lowering their vibration states to acclimatising themselves to a presence on Earth – like us physically, but spiritually far superior and needing only a diet of milk. Saw starts thinking leprechauns, and learning that one of “them” is already here, arriving two years before in Melbourne, not Sydney, thinks he “could imagine no better spot in which to keep one’s vibrations in check.” She says as “Michael’s” (Mykal’s) “main contact on earth” she has been informed serious upheaval will begin in 1968. By 1972 Earth “will have turned over completely one and a fifth times. It’s going to be a great shake up. Britain will be moved into a better climate. Much of Indonesia will go. Limuria (Lemura) and Atlantis will come up …. Australia will be lucky. We’ll be moved up to where the Hawaiian islands are now. Australia will become the holy land.” It gets worse, but read the original clipping, with June Marsden highlighting her importance, but finally saying, “I have my own work to do. And I can say no more they’ll get in touch with you themselves.”
Saw ends his interview and his column with the following. “I hung up, felt the need for spirit, walked dreamily to the refrigerator and poured myself … a glass of milk. Gently but steadily I began to vibrate.”
June Marsden (1896-1971) was buried next to her First World war veteran husband at St. Matthew Anglican cemetery at Windsor, under her real name Edna Grace Ingram-Moore. Maybe June believed all she embraced, but it did little to validate the UFO mystery. Instead, it seemed to hinder, and possibly hurt, the cause of serious UFO research in the 1960s. Only a year later (1967) the potent presence of a visiting American atmospheric physicist, Dr James McDonald, advocating serious UFO research, was a tremendous breath of fresh air, and a great boost for local UFO enthusiasts and researchers.
Why tell June Marsden’s largely forgotten story now? Despite the apparent mainstreaming of the UFO/UAP mystery and the strong current of serious efforts to scientifically examine the mystery, the beliefs that sustained people like June Marsden, still form an uncritical undercurrent that may undo the striking progress of recent years. Let’s try to better understand the dynamics of these uncritical beliefs, and see if we can establish a deeper understanding based instead on verifiable evidence empowered by deep experience, investigation and research.
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