Wednesday, August 03, 2016

UFO HIGH IMPACT - Westall & the amazing wave of 1966 revisited" - my recent Paracon lecture "captured", well sort of?

(after my lecture)

(The ruby look - the camera? - a nice trio - Larraine Cilia, me & Damien Nott)

(Here I am surrounded by some of the interesting ladies of Australian ufology - Larraine Cilia, Mariana Flynn & Mary Rodwell)
I just discovered a rather shaky video taken by someone of my recent Paracon lecture "UFO HIGH IMPACT: Westall & the Amazing wave of 1966 revisited" and posted soon after on the UFO Research (NSW) You Tube channel. I wish I had known that the videoing was being done as I'm sure we could have organised a much better video arrangement. However, despite the poor camera work the video at least is okay for audio and when it focuses on the Powerpoint slides, rather than me and the nice guy who is doing his best to stay awake. I think I did a sterling effort staying awake in my own lecture Paracon is great for socialising, meeting up with friends and connecting, and I did rather "burn the candle both ends" particularly the evening before my lecture, so I'm really impressed that I made a passable imitation of being awake and delivering what I hope was a reasonably sensible and articulate lecture. 

Don't judge the lecture on the video quality. I was tasked to deliver a lecture focusing on one year - 1966 - the 50th anniversary. 

By way of introduction I rapidly went through various years that were of significance to the Australian UFO story and my own research & investigation activities, 

then covered the year 1966 focusing on the Tully UFO "nest" incident, 

the extraordinary trilogy of cases in Victoria - the Balwyn UFO photo, the Burkes Flat "bent headlight beams" event and the Westall School UFO sensation, 

and quickly finishing off with UFOs seen by police in my old home town of Grafton 

and a brief account of an alien abduction milieu in Belfield Sydney in 1966 (which had an amazing circular linkage to the 1868 Frederick Birmingham experience at Parramatta I began the lecture with). 

I closed with some Katoomba based "flying saucer" memories from 1950 and 1947, the latter featuring a possible "UFO" (??) in a motion picture filmed at Katoomba in 1947 with iconic Australian actor Chips Rafferty in frame. 

Enjoy. Thanks to the anonymous video camera person and UFOR(NSW) for at least capturing the essence of the lecture event:

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