"Hair of the Alien" & "the Alien DNA paradigm" redux: 1999 - 2014 & beyond

• Locations with high strangeness/breakthrough activities with UFOs, light phenomena, alien abductions
• cultures that feature “sky being” claims, diverse UFO phenomena
• possible unusual DNA markers within these cultures or present selectively or generically in human DNA
• locations or regions which bring together each of these factors (UFO “haunted” location, alien mediated culture, DNA aspects).
I've drawn together a number of posts that link into "the alien DNA paradigm" hypothesis research.
Start with the following:
then check out the other posts on the alien DNA paradigm site for some interesting connections.

From the H2 channel "Ancient Aliens" episode in Season 6 which featured the Khoury hair case with Peter Khoury, Dr. Horace Drew and myself briefly discussing the investigation & research

The catalyst for the Alien DNA paradigm - "Hair of the Alien" (available through Amazon in soft cover book & e-book)

Peter Khoury (right) passes a polygraph test conducted by Gavin Wilson

Bill Chalker (physical inorganic chemist) with Dr. Horace Drew (biochemist) who led the DNA studies that highlighted "hybrid" DNA characteristics in the unusual hair sample found during Peter Khoury's strange 1992 experience in Sydney.
Hi Bill, it would be nice if you and Dr. Drew could do DNA analysis of the red hairs found on mummies in Chinese pyramids on the central plains of Chin, dating back 5,000+ years. Perhaps then you'd have DNA to compare with the Khoury sample.
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